INSTALLATION Unzip SavepointMonitor.exe to any folder and launch it. Type THINK directory name in "THINK folder:" edit field (no trailing backslash). USAGE Below "THINK folder:" edit field you can see the status line. If THINK folder was specified correctly, it should look like this: "The latest savepoint was written at 2:00:34". When you click "Update now", Savepoint Monitor will determine when THINK wrote latest savepoint and update that line. If you check "Monitor 'last modified' time", program will update that line automatically each N seconds, where N is the number entered in the "Check 'last modified' time every ..... seconds" field. If "When time will change, execute the following command:" is also checked, Savepoint Monitor will attempt to execute OS command typed below (like if you typed it in Start -> Run) when it detects that THINK just wrote savepoint. For example, Windows98 users can try rundll32.exe shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 1 to shutdown computer or rundll32.exe shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 2 to reboot. UNINSTALLATION Simply delete SavepointMonitor.exe and SavepointMonitor.ini.